Great value Queensland conveyancing and property law services that most everyone needs at one time or another.
from $825.00
plus outlays at cost
from $525.00
plus outlays at cost
Free review offer applies for clients with standard REIQ residential contracts with 1 business day turnaround.
Fees apply after-hours (subject to availability), off-the-plan purchases or non-standard contracts. Urgency fees may also apply.
There are other property law encounters that are sure to pop up for you from time to time that we can help you with.
Our Settlers+ services takes care of the other things, still at really great-value prices.
Fixing a typo on your title deed, changing a surname for marriage, divorce or deed poll.
Transferring property to a family member, business associate or trustee/beneficiary.
Transferring title of property to the surviving joint tenant after death.
Transferring title of property according to a will or grant of probate.
Please contact us if we can help you with any of the above services.
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